
FLORES at the webinar on Sustainable Growth and Innovation

On 19th of December 2023, the FLORES project participated in the online webinar “Empowering Maritime Cluster Managers for Sustainable Growth and Innovation in the Mediterranean Blue Economy”, organised by Fórum Oceano within the framework of the Erasmus+ MARMED Project.

Amaya Soto, from the FLORES partner CETMAR, presented the experience of the former MATES project and how FLORES is advancing on the spread of skills in the offshore renewable sector within the Pact for Skills Partnership.

Speakers of the session

  • 📣Ana Brito e Melo (Chief Operating Officer; WavEC – Offshore Renewables)
  • 📣José Manuel Pagés Sánchez (Director of Agenda AIVP 2030, Projects and Content)
  • 📣Amaya Soto Rey (MATES and FLORES projects)
  • 📣Moderator: Frederico Pinto Ferreira (BlueTech Manager, Fórum Oceano)

Key messages

The insightful sessions, that saw the participation of over 40 people, provided the opportunity to present MARMED Project and to engage in a thought-provoking roundtable discussion, aimed at fostering skills in the Blue Economy sector. 
CETMAR was invited to present the MATES and FLORES projects and also to share on the recently approved ‘Shorewinner’ project, providing a perspective on the importance of learning and the necessary skills to impact the blue economy.

Questions addressed to FLORES project during the session

  • From your perspective, which are the most relevant future skills for the challenges of your blue economy sector?

Alarming skills demand of the ORE

– Need for multi-disciplinary approaches (and teams)

– High demand for skills related to project management, offshore engineering, digital skills, robotics and remote controlling

– In a context of rapid changes regarding new uses of maritime space, new technologies, climate change, etc. there is an increasing need to place greater emphasis on the transferability and diversification of skills, as well as on the development of transversal skills to enhance resilience (creative thinking and innovation, critical thinking and problem-solving, initiative and self-direction, communication and collaboration); green skills…

  • Can the projects MATES – FLORES – SHOREWINNER be considered chronologically as stages of a long-term development strategy related to enhancing and promoting skills in the ORE sector?

The MATES project, and particularly its Long Term Action Plan, has proven to be a solid foundation for fostering future collaborations and initiatives in the field. It’s been remarkable to witness the active engagement of the partnership and the network of experts for the roll up of the strategy. This commitment was evident in the approval of the Flores and Shorewinner projects, which are integral parts of this endeavour. Additionally, numerous workshops and webinars are been instrumental in sharing results to further enhance and promote skills within the ORE sector.