Mobilize Offshore Renewables Careers Awareness In The Med

Tailored workshops to raise awareness on ORE skills and promote careers with the support of the FLORES project

  • Lead partners: mareFVG
  • Participants: network of target groups at Italian level

Setting up a methodology to design and implement workshops to raise awareness on offshore renewables career opportunities in territories where ORE is an emerging topic. 

Raise awareness on ORE jobs by students and professionals at Italian levels and attract talents. 

The pilot targets FLORES partners and their networks, conducting a baseline assessment with the English course version (Course 1 = Introduction to Offshore Renewable Energy, duration of self-study = 3 hours).

Existing training materials are translated into Spanish for a two-stage pilot. Performance metrics, including completion rates, speed, and scores, will be compared between the English and Spanish versions.

Provide clear inputs on main features of ORE careers, shape and inform on the ORE scenario in Italy and get the stakeholders within the pilot action.  

The Pilot Action will support the promotion of careers in ore sector and will establish the framework for building durable partnership at Italian level with the involvement of the whole education community: enterprises, academia, research, education providers, students and workers. The Pilot will drive towards a skills partnership and towards permanent mirror group at Italian level. 

To include digital tools to evaluate inputs from the members of the working group. The activities, after the design and planning phase will strive to be implemented with modern technologies and tools to allow    in order to reach attention of new generation in formal and informal context. 

Decision makers will be representatives of business sector, academia and research, aggregations where needed. The end users will be students at university level, trainers and professionals. 

70, potentially in one or two rows

What is about?

Definition of a methodology and structure for tailored workshops to be held in presence with students at technical universities in Italy. The activity will cover an introduction on the offshore renewables and a focus on specific priorities in terms of innovation and training provided together by the university with the contribution of enterprises and research centers.


The workshops are structured to promote opportunities related to the offshore renewables sector
in Italy through the direct involvement of universities, research centers and students. The target is to stimulate discussion on new innovation topics and connect them to competences and work opportunities.

This is the first and only online onboarding course of its kind for the exciting and rapidly developing ORE sector. Participants get to deepdive into the depths of this intricate market. Not only bringing them up to speed, but placing them ahead of the curve. Job ready.

Target participants

The workshops are addressed to the following stakeholders’ categories to be included in the activities:

  • Technology and innovation developers;
  • Young professionals, entrants and students;
  • Academics, researchers and consultants;
  • Other potential ambassadors.

How to register

Contact directly mareFVG at the email and for information on the workshops.