
FLORES at IEEE Educon 2024

During the IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference 2024, celebrated in the Isle of Kos, our colleagues from the University of A Coruña presented a paper entitled “Bridging the skills gap of workers in the Offshore Renewable Energies Industry by creating a set of guidelines to promote innovative training”.

The paper explains the elaboration of the Guidelines to Promote Life-Long Learning in Offshore Renewable Energies, which where developed under the FLORES project. It also reflects on the validation process of these guielines, which involved developing style requirements and refining the proposal through brainstorming and other collaboration techniques. The drafts were then validated by ORE experts at a sectoral event and received positive feedback for their usefulness and accessibility. Finally, the guidelines were also validated by ORE professionals from the consortium.

You can learn more about the FLORES guidelines in our website and join the FLORES community to boost OREskills in your organization or region.