
DNV organizes the Maritime Energy Transition Summit, a virtual event dedicated to exploring the latest advancements and opportunities in alternative fuels and energy efficiency
Organised by the Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs, and Inclusion (DG EMPL), the European Commission will host the first Pact for Skills Forum on 21-22
21/03/2024 - 22/03/2024
Cedefop hosts this virtual get-together to present its improved skills intelligence tool, which brings together various strands of the Agency’s analytical and research work.
The Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) organises this webinar to discuss multi-use, and more specifically marine platforms that combine multiple uses, for example offshore windfarms that
On 19th of December 2023, the online webinar “Empowering Maritime Cluster Managers for Sustainable Growth and Innovation in the Mediterranean Blue Economy” will be
This event is co-organised by the CPMR and Brittany Region in the framework of  the 51st General Assembly and the 50th Anniversary of the CPMR itself. It will
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